Hindu religion as known to everyone is one of the oldest and richest cultures that is existing now. In Hindu religion there are so many principles and practices that when looked down without intuition will look like a vague custom or practice but in truth all that has been formulated has a great coincidence with what scientists has so far discovered and what they are going to reveal in the future. To add a proof to the above statement let us look at one of the belief of Hindu religion.
In Hindu religion god has many forms( in fact worshiped in different names) and one among the god is Goddess Parvathi or Shakthi. There is a statement that goddess Parvathi is the first to be present in the world and she has no death or birth. Also in Tamil language (one of the oldest languages of India) the term shakthi refers to Energy (This energy is nothing other than
'Energy=(Workdone/Time taken'))
Now consider a statement from scientific theory which corresponds to the above and the theory if stated will definitely raise your eyebrows to an extent which it never have been before. Energy conservation principle is the theory that is having coincidence with the above and the theme of the principle is 'Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but can be transformed from one form into another in an equivalent amount'
It is obvious that after a clear analysis of above two theories one can be sure that Energy is worshiped as Goddess Shakthi in Hindu religion and there is also another theory which has some correlation with the above stated theory. Goddess Shakthi and Lord Shiva stands as a best example to the people who were married (grihasta) because Lord Shiva to show the world the importance one should give their partner share his half with Goddess Parvathi and there is a statement like 'without shiva there is no shakthi and without shakthi there is no shivam'. The evidence to the above statement can be found in Hindu mythology and this has a great correlation to the scientific statement 'Mass and energy are correlated and they are always associated with each other and no matter exists without energy'
Now Lord Shiva is none other than Matter that is spread all over the space with Energy and we human, animals, living things and non living things all are none other than a part of god and God is present everywhere (omnipresent). The above theory may sound vague and pointless but if you are really interested and want to know the truth I will advise you to go through Hindu Mythology once and then you can post your views here. There could be some mistakes in this article and the viewers can point out the mistake so it may help authors to review the article. Please post your comments with a strong proof.
31 July, 2009
Scientific Truth from Hindu Mythology
Hindu Mythology
Posted by siva at 8:05 AM 0 comments